A Date with Fitness

Excuses, Excuses

on May 16, 2014

We had a wonderful time at a local restaurant on Mother’s Day with my parents and sisters and their families.
I got the Bruschetta Chicken and savored every last morsel!
Dave and I got a little more dressed than the rest of the diners, we stood out but who cares! I got a new dress and wanted to wear it.
I started digging through my old pictures looking for a good “before” pic. Odd how when I’m looking for comparison pics, I’m searching for the absolute worst photo. I would of never been caught dead as the subject of a picture. My grandmother was the same way, we have hardly any pictures of her. She was a beautiful lady, and I don’t know why she didn’t want any taken of her, but my reason was clear, I didn’t like how I looked on film.
It’s funny how the perception I had of myself was so obscured. I really didn’t know how much I weighed in August of 2012.

This selfie was taken on our island vacation:

I look back at these pictures and I kept telling myself
it was a bad angle;
I wasn’t standing right;
that’s not my good side;
there was too much light;
my clothes don’t fit right;
that camera takes bad pictures…
I had every excuse in the book. Then I realized that everyone else looks like themselves in pictures. Holy cow, this is how people see me! Kinda like how I don’t like my voice on answering machines, but that is another issue!
These are the pictures that made me have a long hard look at my life.
That and the diagnosis of Pre-Diabetes later that year.

This one was taken on Mother’s Day 2014.

I can honestly say that I am not sitting here scrutinizing this photo. Dave and I have worked very hard to achieve this.
For once in my life, I like what I see!

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